Wednesday 11 July 2007

Te United White Front

The UWF or rather the United White Front hope to rise as a group for White people everywhere to bring about change in our ZOG run governments and to wipe the unquestioning allegiance to Loyalism out of our English and Northern Irish movements. Though small in numbers the UWF are street and rally active and will remain to be so, at the moment, we are affiliated to only one other movement - MSI - Movement to Save Ireland.

As a predominantly Irish group our No.1 priority is Ireland and her sons and daughters. The more Irishmen and women that get involved the better. Over the last 30 years or so Irish Nationalists have been pressurised into Marxism whereas the occupiers and Ulster Loyalists took up the guise of Neo-Nazism and got the support of British Nationalist sects. We want to end this NOW.

Marxism is a fiercely anti-Nationalist ideology. Its followers are against any Nationalistic flag(s), the idea of Racial or National preservation, and they believe religion, especially that of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, is wrong, politically incorrect and a blockage in the path to their Multi-Racial Euphoria. As Nationalists it is a contradiction in itself that our Soldiers took up this "path" in the first place. Michael Collins didn't die a Marxist!

Marxists have no true love for our Native land nor do they want northern Catholic Nationalists to unite with our southern brothers and sisters so that we can live under a one nation rule. A one Nation Irish rule to be precise. The true intention of the Marxist is to take a form of power and with that to destroy Nationalism - Flags, National Pride, Symbols, heritage, history and anything native to one's land. To destroy the church, morals and life. Your true Marxist would look upon our heroes of 1916 as 'false idols' and destroy their statues, tributes and memorials. They do not wish for a United Ireland, rather a United World.

With behind-the-scenes Marxist subversion we begin to see a large influx of Immigration: Black, Asian and Chinese, people with their alien ways and faiths who have little or no respect for ours. Before long the interracial breeding starts and children of NO heritage are born! This becomes a pattern which leads to our heroes, our native language and our past achievements and tragedies being ignored and forgotten. Please look back at Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin and Mao, look at the death and misery they caused. This Marxist subversion destroyed much of Europe, with the Roman Catholic faith dying out to Islam (The only faith Marxists grit their teeth and accept). Mass Riots between Races leading to murders and serious injuries. The suppressive laws of 'Political Correctness' have swept our lands. These laws are one-sided, where people are facing prison sentences for merely passing an opinion....most of the time a NON-RACIAL one! As a Person who has lived in England for most of her life, I've seen the effects multiracialism has on people and their heritage. I certainly do not want it happening to my native land. Do you?

  • The UWF wants to involve Irish Nationalists in National Socialism/White Nationalism as a means to preserving our Heritage, Folk and Culture.

  • The UWF wants to stress the importance of Irish Nationalists/ism and to highlight it's must and bravery, thus bringing around more education on the matter within the English/Northern Irish (Protestant) White Nationalist scene

  • The UWF wants to see the currently occupied Six counties within Ulster united with the rest of Ireland bringing about an end to all foreign rule and pointless sectarian violence. For England to notice Irelands right to arm and protect herself with an Irish Nationalist Army and for the ignorant stigma attached to us as a Folk to end.

  • The UWF does not believe in any form of sectarian violence whether it be Catholic on Protestant or Protestant on Catholic. We wish to work alongside all WN/NS groups whether Scottish, British, Welsh, French or Polish. We wish to be able to work alongside/within such groups without facing discrimination.

1 comment:

Dun Dealgan said...

United Shite Front....racist scum. You are a disgrace to Irish nationalism!